By Lori Dearman on Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Category: Presentation

Navigating the Move to an Online Classroom

As you may know, I presented at the New Learning Technologies 2010 SALT Conference in Orlando this month. The topic was "Navigating the Move to an Online Classroom." I am pleased to announce that it was both well attended and well received. 

If you missed the presentation, let me know if the topic is of interest to you and we can consider doing it in a Webinar format in the future. Just let us know!

Of particular interest to the audience was using games in the online classroom to review concepts and/or break the ice. In response to their questions, I pulled together a list of my favorite games that can be played online and used to reinforce learning or serve as an ice breaker to get attendees participating.

Here's my shortlist:


Ice Breakers

Do you have any favorites? If so, please join the conversation.

If you'd like more information on how to play the ones I've listed above, just drop me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Come on, join the crusade!

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