What's alignment got to do with online presenting?

  I recently started taking classes in body alignment at a fabulous place called the Restorative Exercise Institute (REI). If you happen to live in or around Ventura, California, you should check it out. If you don't live in the area, the owner, Katy Bowman, also runs a blog called katysays.com . There are literally hours of fascinating readin...
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Navigating the Move to an Online Classroom

Navigating the Move to an Online Classroom
As you may know, I presented at the New Learning Technologies 2010 SALT Conference in Orlando this month. The topic was "Navigating the Move to an Online Classroom." I am pleased to announce that it was both well attended and well received.  If you missed the presentation, let me know if the topic is of interest to you and we can consider doin...
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